Rewriting Tones – Memories of Imagination
Published – 23/05/2014
Tones: Text works:
I explore the consequences of how narrative in the form of text changes our perception when placed within different visual pictures. Lyons here focuses on matching and moving tones in backgrounds and writing to connect the two. Lyons explores notions of chaos and in particular Lyons explores the tensions created from a perception of fixed images or backgrounds compared to the movement and freedom found in stories. She believes image always dies and art always lives, for example like people it moves and perceptions change.
Image 1: Love found in Art is Unconditional, 2010,
Image 2: Embedded Tone, 2008
Image 3: Grow Art Still Life, 2010,
Image 4: All Art is of Value, 2010, NFS
Image 5: Imagination of Memories, All Art Meets, 2010,
Image 6: Memories of art, from a image of moving Landscape, 2010,
Image 7: Love in Colour is Real, 2010, NFS
Image 8: Uncertain Backgrounds, 2010,
Image 9: I Love Art, You Love Me, 2007-9,
Image 10: Unexpected Signs, Location of other realms. Old Woolworths sign from outside the shop, resurrected inside the shop, 2009
Image 11: Rewriting Memories, picture on blackboard by other artist, photo of me, 1983, paper round the edge, 2013, NFS
Image 12: Love in Palimpsests; Rereading a Goya’s painting 2009,